Friday, May 22, 2015

Take a Look at My Purple Dahlia Flower Barrette and Autumn Leaves Barrette I Made!


The Reason I close my eyes and my face is not all shown in all of the following blog posts is because I wanted the pictures to center on the head pieces and not the wearer. Also had I looked up it looks funny and odd as my head is tilted down and pictures where I look up like that look creepy, LOL! So I just looked down or closed my eyes all together and left most of my face out so the pictures would show the head pieces better.


I have wanted to make some leaf hair pieces but had not a clue where to start. So while collecting props for a photo shoot I came across some Oak and Maple Leaves, fake ones of course. So I bought them and Sunflowers. Then later I bought some fake Purple Dahlia’s. I also found and bought some barrette backs.

So when I got home I looked at some flower barrettes I had bought years ago and mimicked the way they had been made. I took a small piece of the leave and clipped it off to hot clue it to the barrette surface. Then I cut the Dahlia flower and leaves off right at the stem, really short. Then I hot clued them onto the barrette back. It took some playing around to get them just so. It was fun, easy, and the result I am happy with.

Soon I would like to buy some metallic silver and gold paint to paint the leaves and make another barrette. There are a few other ideas I have too, like leaf and flower crowns.

I have already worn and been complemented on the Dahlia flower barrette and the Leaf one hasn’t been commented on yet but I love it none the less.

Leaves- $0.97 and other $3.00

Dahlia Flowers- $3.00

Barrettes- $ 2 something or $3 something



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