Tuesday, September 9, 2014

E-Publishing Update!!!

So here is an update. It has taken some time but I am so very near to uploading to or attempting to upload one of my novels to be available on the Kindle. I will post a link to it once I do upload. I still have to do the copyright documents. As for cover art, Amazon has free covers but they are sort of dull and brown looking so I was advised to do my own so that is what I have done. Plus I had a wonderful idea for the cover that I have been successful at creating.

It has been hard going and a tad frustrating at times but when I figure something out it is a joyous moment. I have had to spend long nights searching the web for sites to help me. Apparently there are still sweet people out there who have gone through it and posted on their websites and blogs as to how best to do it. So I thought it is better if I try and direct some to their sites as they are way better at step-by-step showing prospective e-book self-publishers how to do it. I don’t remember all the sites but I know a few and I will leave links below to them. I hope they will help any authors out there. All I can say is to research as much as you can. There are so many wonderful sites out there that have helped me a ton. I feel horrible that I took the info I learned and forgot many of the websites so I can’t really redirect others to them.

Do not give up because it will be worth it! I am truly hoping by mid to late-September or early October that I have my first novel available for purchase. I hope that by early 2015 I have one more novel for purchase. I am going to try and do at least one, two, or even three novels a year. Well that’s the plan anyway!

So I will keep anyone who is interested up to date with my journey into the land of e-book self-publishing!

Happy Writing Lovelies! Happy Reading Lovelies!


How to Format a Word File for Kindle - by Katelyn Kelley, Demand Media- http://smallbusiness.chron.com/format-word-file-kindle-55438.html

How to format Kindle ebooks – Title Page- Camilla Chafer- http://www.camillachafer.com/2011/07/how-to-format-kindle-ebooks.html

How to format Kindle ebooks – Copyright Page- Camilla Chafer- http://www.camillachafer.com/2011/07/how-to-format-kindle-ebooks-copyright-page.html

eHow has some great articles on making table of contents which are worth looking at but it took me time to remember how I did it in class years ago and reading different articles to remember and get it right.

Editing Services & Cover Art Designers:

Camilla Chafer suggested these editing services and cover art designers that she has used. I have not personally used them but I checked out their sites and they do seem pretty good and professional but before going with any designer or editor do your REASEARCH.

I am not going to be using these particular services on the novel I am uploading but that does not mean I will not research them thoroughly and perhaps use them in the future.

Teri at Editing Fairy- http://www.editingfairy.com/


Robin Ludwig Designs- http://www.gobookcoverdesign.com/

I Saw My Character at Wal Mart! LOL!

No lie a few days ago I was in line at Wal Mart and this guy came up behind me in the express line and he looked no lie like one or two of my male characters. I was like this is crazy cool! I didn’t tell my mother who was checking out ahead of me what I thought until we were outside. She said I should have told him but I felt he would think I was weird or something.
 I think it is so cool I saw someone who looked so much like one of my character and thought it would never happen again but then a few days after that I found a picture online of a gorgeous guy who also looks like one of my characters. This guy is super gorgeous and I will put a few pictures below.
Has this happened to any other writers out there? Have you too seen someone who resembled one of your characters? If you wish to share leave it under comments section, I would love to hear about your experience.