Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Newly Wed Wreath!

So one of the first things I did for our apartment was what I call our newly wed wreath. So it seems pretty simple and it was! So you get any kind of wreath, I got a grapevine wreath at Walmart. Then I bought the Mr. and Mrs. and H words and letter at Walmart as well. I got the sequence peacock clips and the sequence flower around the holiday season and though I don’t celebrate holidays it wasn’t holiday related to me and was rather just a fun little decorating item!

So I painted the letter H with my blue acrylic paint and then immediately sprinkled purple and blue and pink glitter on it! Anthony my husband colored the Mr. and Mrs. Part using some pastel pencils he has and then we sprinkled similar purple, pink and blue glitter on the letters and then you’ll want to just do what we did we lightly tapped the letters over the paper or napkins we used to paint them on and so excess glitter will fall off. Leave it to dry over night and then your ready to put it all together.

We took the wreath and before deciding we arranged it several different ways to see how best it would work and how it would look. I then hot glued the Mr. and Mrs. And H down to the wreath and then clipped the peacocks tail to tail on the opposite side and then clipped the sequence flower at the bottom of the wreath and that was it.

So different words and letters and decorations can be used, just have fun with it! This is a perfect easy wreath for newly weds or those that are often busy as its just a quick and easy afternoon or evening make in one day wreath. If you don’t get clip on decorations that’s ok just hot glue on the ones you do have but bear in mind depending what it’s made of it may have to be hot glued on again cause some materials don’t adhere well to wooden wreaths I’ve found.

  • Grape Vine Wreath- roughly $4 or $5 at Walmart but you can get similar wreaths at just about any hobby store and even small ones at Dollar Tree for cheaper.
  • Wooden Mr. and Mrs. And H Letters and Words- a few dollars at Walmart for each of these words and letters but again you can find wooden letters and words at many hobby stores it just depends on what you’re looking for.
  •  Acrylic paint and or pastel pencils- anywhere from $0.50 to a few dollars or more depending on what you get at Walmart or any hobby store.
  • Glitter Variety Pack- a pack of 4 or 5 glitters in small little tubes for a few dollars at Walmart or you can get different ones at any hobby stores including Dollar Tree.
  • Sequence Peacock Clips- $1.48 at Walmart during the holiday season or any decoration can be bought at many hobby stores year around.
  • Sequence Flower Clip- $1.48 at Walmart during the holiday season or any decoration can be bought at many hobby stores year around.

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